Munity, la solution

Munity allows you to unified data from any third party app in a few clicks. This “Integration Management System” is the first on the market to propose more than 150 integrations ready to use and to leverage a modern and resilient data infrastructure for developers.
Le problème
à résoudre

Every product needs third party data to increase usage and prevent churn

. The best experience for end-users only can be aimed through native “user facing integrations”. This will cost 100K, take 6 months and bring heavy struggles to tech teams like silent failures or unstable apps, by integration.

Prenez le temps de vous concentrer sur l'essentiel

End-user authentication vault

Custom the connection UI to give the best authentication experience

Hosted database or create yours

Munity continue d'évoluer grâce à tous nos retours clients.

Self-service data mapping

Create your own Data Model to fit their product vision

Une solution adaptéeEt tellement plus
Leur produit
Leur plateforme
En savoir plus sur Munity
Chiffre d'affaires, références clients, documentation technique, etc.
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