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Leurs derniers succès :
Evrythng raises $10 million to give physical products a trackable digital identity
Evrythng, an IoT platform that gives each physical product its own trackable digital identify, has raised $10 million in a round of funding.
This company wants to track every single product in the world
Fast Company
EVRYTHNG—a winner of Fast Company's 2020 World Changing Ideas Awards—wants to give every consumer good a digital identity, so both consumers and businesses know where an item comes from and where it's going.
UK 'internet of things' startup EVRYTHNG raises $24.8 million to help it connect every physical product to the web
Business Insider
EVRYTHNG works with clients such as Coca-Cola and packaging companies to connect consumer products to the web as soon as they are manufactured.
En savoir plus sur EVRYTHNG
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