Solution d'assistance pour déploiements à grande échelle
Automatisation pour les workflow, RPA, IA, process métiers...
Une solution adaptéeEt tellement plus
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Chez eux
Leurs derniers succès :
Why Appian Stock Skyrocketed 324% in 2020
The Motley Fool
The company tapped into an increasing demand for apps.
Appian Selected by Accenture as a Core Partner in the INTIENT Network for Life Sciences
Appian brings low-code speed and automation power to help drive innovation in drug discovery and scientific researchAppian announced that it has joined Accenture's INTIENT partner ecosystem as a core partner. The ecosystem is designed to help indepen
Appian defines 4-cornerstones for low-code hyperautomation
For a lot of people, the first reaction experienced when exposed to the term 'hyperautomation' is the groaning sense of marketingspeak overload. It's almost as if the marcoms people get a sense of ...
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